A Small Guide to Healthy Heart Habits
Throughout the globe, people are suffering from heart problems. Heart attacks are very common these days. People under the age of 50 are not falling victim to this problem more than before. Heart diseases take 17.9 million lives each year and there is a rise of 53% in the last 5 years alone in India. But what can you do to keep your heart safe? Failing heart safety can lead to a disorder and it can be very hefty to perform heart attack treatment. With some effective habits, anyone can keep his or her heart safe. So here are the five major habits to keep the engine of the body fit and running.
Exercise works wonders on the body. A good daily exercise regime not only keeps the body fit but also enhances overall body functioning. 30 minutes of aerobic exercise like running, jogging, cycling, yoga, swimming, etc. Intense exercises should be done under expertise. Exercise increases the cardiovascular system, increases HDL cholesterol, checks the blood pressure and heart rate.
A good diet is a must for everyone. Increase the vegetables and fruit intake. Fats like olive oil and items like nuts, whole grains should be added. Avoid food with added sugar and processed meats like salami, ham, etc. Check your sugar level and control your sweet tooth.
Keep a watch on your blood pressure. Normal blood pressure is 120–80 mm hg and 140–90 mm hg leads to hypertension. If you have blood pressure problems daily then it is a worrying sign. Change your routine according to your BP.
The right body weight is really important for being healthy. Your body weight should be in accordance with your height. Calculate the Body Mass Index and maintain your weight according to it. Cut on excessive fat and control weight. Obesity and binge eating disorder is one of the major reasons behind heart problems.
Quit all bad habits. Smoking, drinking, drug addiction, steroids intake, etc. leads to health problems in premature stages. Avoid secondhand smoking as well. Bad habits corrupt a body before old age. So quit for your own sake.
Apart from all these regular checkups and expert consultation should be taken. The heart is the size of a fist but it needs major effort to keep it healthy.